DWScript 2.3 preview 1

A new DWScript 2.3 source archive is available (417 kB) for the SVN-averse, the previous available zip was the 2.2 version, which is quite outdated. Given the continuous extension of the unit tests suite, this should hopefully be one of the most stable versions to date, in addition to being the most advanced, but it’s likely less stable and less advanced than the SVN version will be when you’ll read these lines 😉


“heredoc” multi-line strings

DWScript now supports multi-line strings, aka “heredoc”, using the same syntax as Prism/Oxygene, which involves double-quoting them, for instance:

s := "Lorem ipsum 'dolor' sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Duis l'ipsum odio, pretium ""hendrerit"" varius sed,
aliquet vitae elit.
Sed eu libero nec nisl ""malesuada"" dignissim.";

is equivalent to

s := 'Lorem ipsum ''dolor'' sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'#13#10
    +'Duis l''ipsum odio, pretium "hendrerit" varius sed,'#13#10
    +'aliquet vitae elit.'#13#10
    +'Sed eu libero nec nisl "malesuada" dignissim.';

Which can be quite useful when you have multi-line string content, such as an SQL query, a long format string, a snippet of CSS/HTML/XML, etc.

Nate that if you’re using The SynEdit, the DWS highlighter has been updated and properly highlights those, you just need to get it from the SynEdit SVN.

It a slight cosmetic issue, shared AFAICT by other languages that implement “heredoc”, which is that if you don’t want to have spurious whitespace/tabs in the multi-line string, you basically have to break indentation.

Does any one knows a language which has a convenient “heredoc” syntax that would alleviate this issue?