The Mischievous Case-Insensitive Hash

In a comment to the previous article on a case insensitive hash code, Stefan Glienke pointed to an approach used in Spring4D’s comparers, which is a delightful hack.

Rather than converting the string to a “proper lower case”, it converts the string to an “approximate lower case” using an “or $20”, which happens to be good enough for a hash on string identifiers.

To figure the trick, one needs to check the ASCII Table. (more…)

The Curiouser and Curiouser Case of Case-Insensitive Tweaks

Recent commits to the DWScript repository doubled the compiler performance when compiling many small scripts, like happens in the unit tests suites.

This started from a first profiling run where the memory allocations around the UnicodeLowerCase function came out as top bottlenecks.

Thing is, Pascal being a case-insensitive language, there are lots of case-insensitive comparisons, lookups, searches and hashes, and turns out a key hash code was computed with code like


SHA-3 ad hoc compiler: Reloaded

count_the_monkeysIt occurred to me that SHA-3 being a cryptographic hash, it is one of those peculiar bits of code that are fully self-testing. Any bug in a cryptographic hash will quickly cascade to a different result, no matter the bug or the input.

This means the ad-hoc-compiler-monkey can be unleashed “safely”, and can be allowed to try “improper changes.”

Delphi XE6 32bits and Scimark

8087In a Google+ comment to my recent article about inlining in XE6, Leif Uneus posted results from Scimark.

It appears that XE6 is about 30% slower than previous versions at least from XE5 to XE for 32bits floating point.
Note that Scimark does not make use of inlining, but does make heavy use of floating-point computations, loops and arrays.

Edit: issue discussed here was reported in QC 124652 (now marked as resolved)