The Curiouser and Curiouser Case of Case-Insensitive Tweaks

Recent commits to the DWScript repository doubled the compiler performance when compiling many small scripts, like happens in the unit tests suites.

This started from a first profiling run where the memory allocations around the UnicodeLowerCase function came out as top bottlenecks.

Thing is, Pascal being a case-insensitive language, there are lots of case-insensitive comparisons, lookups, searches and hashes, and turns out a key hash code was computed with code like


Kudos to the Firefox 4 TraceMonkey team!

I’ve been quite impressed with the JavaScript floating point performance in FireFox 4, which puts the Delphi compiler to shame. See for yourself this fractal rendering demo:

Mandelbrot Set in HTML 5 Canvas

I’ve made a version of the same code in Delphi XE (source + pre-compiled executable, 331 kB ZIP), and on my machine here, for the 480×480 resolution, where FireFox 4 gets the default view rendered in 124 ms, where the “regular” Delphi version, which is limited to the old FPU, takes about 200 ms


Code Optimization: Go For the Jugular

Code optimization can sometimes be experienced as a lengthy process, with disruptive effects on code readability and maintainability. For effective optimization, it is crucial to focus efforts on areas where minimal work and minimal changes will have to most impact, ie. go for the jugular
