Nested types in DWScript

Just a word of warning about a recent commit that added support for nested types in DWScript.

This support is at the moment only enabled in class declarations, and very minimally tested, a lot more testing is required – and welcome 🙂 – before it can be considered safe to use, and extended to other type declarations.

The related code should only kickoff if a “type” keyword is encountered in a class declaration (which would previously be reported as an error), so the change should be innocuous to existing code.

SQLite as a no-SQL database

SQLite offers through its JSON1 extension a lot of capability. Generating JSON outputs from SQL, even complex structured, multi-level JSON is very straightforward.

But what about the opposite use case ? When you have store data as JSON in an SQLite database, and you want to search or filter it ? This is a short exploration of what to expect.


First phase of dynamic arrays refactoring completed

The first phase of dynamic arrays refactoring mentioned previously is now complete, with dedicated implementations in place for all the base types. A single interface (IScriptDynArray) is now the only common ground.

  • Memory usage is reduced to 1/3 on average, performance is improved up to 2x (without JIT)
  • Array indexes have thus been bumped from Integer to NativeInt, as arrays of more than 2 billions elements have become more practical

The current state has been frozen in Release snapshot DWScript v21.3.11 on the GitHub mirror.


Refactoring DWScript dynamic arrays

After reaching initial stages of the x86-64 JIT, work on a long overdue enhancement of the DWScript engine has started: refactoring how dynamic arrays are implemented.

One of the goals when the 32bit JIT was introduced was to edge out the Delphi 32bits compiler, which was not too complicated as Delphi was using the FPU, so merely using SSE2 at the time was enough. But the Delphi 64bits compiler makes good use of SSE2, so the only way to edge it out would be to leverage AVX2 and vectorisation.


TurboJPEG library rocks !

Units to support the TurboJPEG library is now available in the DWScript repository, you can find the relevant files in the Libraries\GraphicsLib folder, they have been tested with Delphi 10.3 in both Win32 and Win64. The DLLs are those of the latest 2.05 version.

The TurboJPEG library (aka “libjpeg-turbo”) provides a fast implementation of the libjpeg API, but the files here target the TurboJPEG core, rather than the libjpeg compatibility layer (see its documention).
The TurboJPEG API is less rich, but quite simple to use and very convenient.


Dabbling in Neural Nets (again)

I recently dusted off an artificial neural network project, now published at This is a subject I’ve been dabbling on and off since the days of 8 bit CPUs.

The goals of the project are twofold: first experiment with neural networks that would be practical to run and train on current CPUs, and second experiment with JIT compilation of neural networks maths with Delphi.

TensorFlow and Python are cool, but they feel a bit too much like Minecraft, another sandbox of ready-made blocks 😉


BigInteger coming to JavaScript CodeGen

Support for BigInteger type in SmartPascal is being added in the DWScript repository, it is mapped to the new BigInt JavaScript type which is now supported by the major browsers.

This is going to be a work in progress over a few weeks. In part because the JS implementation is rather bare-bones with few support functions, and in part because with the BigInt type, the JS designers did away with some automated and implicit casting (uh?).


The case for strict parameter types

While refactoring a bit the way some “special” functions were handled in DWScript, I came about a case where the compiler started accepting strings as Math functions parameters.

While this comes naturally as an “interesting” side-effects of automatic typecasts, it left a feeling of “wrongness”, accepting literal code like Abs(“foo”) and then failing at run-time is asking for trouble.
