SHA-3 ad hoc compiler: Reloaded

count_the_monkeysIt occurred to me that SHA-3 being a cryptographic hash, it is one of those peculiar bits of code that are fully self-testing. Any bug in a cryptographic hash will quickly cascade to a different result, no matter the bug or the input.

This means the ad-hoc-compiler-monkey can be unleashed “safely”, and can be allowed to try “improper changes.”
(more…) has begun, where will it end?

beginend176Last week was launched with the goal of aggregating Pascal and Delphi blogs in a mobile-friendly, secure website with a minimalist UI.

The website is Pascal-Powered: the server is Delphi-compiled DWScript Sample Web server, the server-side page generation and APIs are handled by DWS and an SQLite database, and the client-side is a SmartPascal application compiled on-the-fly to JavaScript by the server.
