Just before Christmas, the FMXutils DX11 driver received two additions: texture binding support in vertex shaders and GPU device selection.
Vertex shader texture binding enables advanced techniques including displacement mapping and GPU-side heightmaps, which were previously not possible with FMX.
The RegisterDX11ContextU function now includes a new parameter for GPU selection in FMX, allowing users to choose between integrated and discrete GPUs. This function, which activates the FMXutils DX11 driver, should be called when the program starts. There is also a new EnumerateDX11Adapters function to list adapters.
Merry Christmas to all!
(Lyrics by Claude, Music by Suno, Image by Grok)
Hi Eric,
I’d like to thank you for this work. I have an open source GIS program written in Delphi which reads LAS format lidar files, and have been using a half-baked point cloud display for years. It originally was derived from Visualizing mathematical functions by generating custom meshes using FireMonkey, By: Anders Ohlsson, now gone from the Delphi web pages. Your implementation is so much cleaner.
I am a geologist, so everything that is not “rock science” in trying to dig into the parts of FireMonkey that have not been a priority has just been so frustrating.
Rest assured your work is appreciated.
Thanks Peter for your words! MICRODEM brings me back to the SRTM release and the years that followed.
I can’t thank enough the various US institutions and professors (like you) that made those years fun by releasing and explaining all those earth datasets and the science behind them 🙂 These played a great role in getting me hooked to 3D!