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What is a sampling profiler?

There are basically two kinds of profiling tools: instrumenting profilers (source or binary) and sampling profilers. Instrumenting profilers work by altering an application code or binary, and adding calls to functions that will count how many time each procedure was called and how many time was spent inside. This approach allows an exhaustive analysis of which code called which code, and how many times was spent in each procedures. However, it will typically incur a significant execution speed and memory penalty that can only be avoided by spending time and insight and limiting instrumentation to a subset of an application's functions, making them more suitable when you know where the issue is (see GpProfile for a free instrumenting Delphi profiler).

Sampling profilers on the other hand do not require instrumentation and proceed by a statistical analysis by periodically looking at which code is currently being executed by the profiled application. The statistical nature means that not all code may be seen by the profiler (only code that takes time to execute), profiling information may vary randomly between executions and context information for bottlenecks is typically limited.

Why should I use a sampling profiler?

Using a sampling profilers has benefits:

Note that unlike SamplingProfiler also offers callers information and statistics, thus providing information typically found only in instrumenting profilers. It will even go a little step further than some instrumenting profiler by being able to identify the caller at the line level (if procedure A calls procedure B on three different lines, it will be able to pinpoint which of those three call points is critical, and not just that A called B, or that one of the call points called B more times than the other).

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