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Non-English Blogs now on BeginEnd.net

beginend176Non-English Blogs have been added to BeginEnd.net [1], not many just yet: three in Italian, one French and one Korean!

The BeginEnd.net website itself stays in English, and the posts titles & descriptions are going to be automatically-translated in English (currently through Microsoft Translator [2] service).

To see those blogs and gauge the quality of the translation, head over to the feeds page [3] and sort by language.

Given I am using the free tier of Microsoft Translator, the translation is for the moment “semi automatic”, in that it’s automatic, but on manual administrator action only… until I am confident enough there is no bug that will waste the free translation credits 😉

Once there are “enough” non-English blogs to warrant it, some form of filtering will likely be introduced.

And who knows, once there are “many” non-English blogs, localized versions of BeginEnd.net could make sense!