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Optimizing for memory: a tighter TList

One of the memory hogs when you have object trees or graphs can be good old TList and its many variants (TObjectList, TList<T>, etc.).

This is especially an issue when you have thousandths of lists that typically hold very few items, or are empty.
In the DWS expression tree f.i. there are quickly thousandths of such lists, for local symbol tables, parameter lists, etc.

How much does a TList cost in terms of memory?

A TList holding a single item already costs you:

So that’s 28 bytes, with two dynamically allocated blocks which, and those dynamic allocations, depending on your allocation alignment settings, can cost you something like an extra dozen of bytes (even with FastMM [1]).

What about the other TList variants?

Neither of these are better candidates for memory-efficient small lists.

Enter the TTightList

You can find TTightList in DWS’s dwsUtils [2] unit.
For an empty list, the cost is 8 bytes, no dynamic memory, and for a list with a single item, 8 bytes still with no dynamic memory.
For a n-items list, the cost is 8 bytes plus one n*4 bytes dynamic block.

To achieve that, the TTightList makes use of two tricks:

The second trick is where we sacrifice a bit of performance, to save one dynamic allocation for lists holding a single item. Though if you benchmark the TTightList, you’ll see it holds its own fairly well against TList for the smaller item counts, which is what it was designed for.
That’s partly thanks to TList‘s own inefficiencies, and FastMM’s in-place reallocation (on which TTightLight relies, since it doesn’t maintain a capacity field).